Condia Touches on the Importance of Checking for Fuel Contamination

Condia reaches out to us to discuss the Importance of Checking for Fuel Contamination and what could happen if it isn’t checked routinely

We recently heard about how users can deal with contamination within jet and diesel fuel systems. Fuel contamination caused by microorganisms can pose major problems to businesses relying on jet or diesel fuel. A small amount of contamination can lead to engine failure, and microbial contamination can be costly to remedy. Conidia’s website shares several methods for dealing with business risks before they escalate.

It’s possible for microorganisms to enter fuel from the atmosphere and cause microbial contamination. The right conditions allow certain species of microorganisms to thrive in fuel, causing damage to bunkers, tanks, and fuel systems. It’s almost impossible to avoid contamination after fuel leaves the refinery. Most of the damage to fuel and engines is caused by fungi such as Hormoconis resinae, bacteria, and yeasts.

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