Contaminated fuel - keep your receipts

CONSUMER group CHOICE is reminding consumers to always ask for a receipt when purchasing petrol following a spate of contaminated fuel incidents that have left a number of consumers tens-of-thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Mr Godfrey says that under the Australian Consumer Law, you have the right to a refund if the petrol you buy doesn’t do what it should do, and you may also be able to claim compensation for any damage the contaminated fuel causes your car.


“We have been contacted by a number of consumers locked in disputes with petrol stations over bills ranging from $500 up to $21,000 to repair their cars having pumped dirty fuel, says CHOICE head of media Tom Godfrey. 


“When we raised the issue with the NRMA they confirmed four petrol stations in NSW alone have sold dirty fuel in the last 18 months.

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