How do I remedy contaminated fuel?

The most likely source is water accumulating in the underground fuel tanks at the petrol station. The tanks are susceptible to corroding, condensation and even dirt.

How is fuel contaminated with water?

There are generally two ways.

The most likely source is water accumulating in the underground fuel tanks at the petrol station. The tanks are susceptible to corroding, condensation and even dirt.

While the fuel passes through a filter before it enters your car, it is possible for some of this matter to penetrate the filter - particularly when the underground tank is at a low level.

The other unlikely, but possible, source is during the transport process, where a truck moves the fuel from the refinery to a petrol station. At some stage in this process it is possible for water to contaminate the fuel.

How do I know if my car has watery fuel in it?

Depending on the vehicle, watery fuel can upset your car's engine almost instantly, or within a few kilometres.

Bad fuel causes expensive engine downtime and repairs! Use Fleet's diesel fuel tests to do on-the-spot testing of your  diesel fuel.

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