Soymet hoping to expand fuel network

Evans, the managing partner for Soymet, said his trucks can distribute biofuels within a 400-mile radius of Rome.

He’s looking to establish a series of terminals within a 200- to 250-mile ring so that he can make deliveries, then refuel and reach out even further with his biofuels.

Evans said he’s also hoping for a little consistency from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency when it comes to regulations that affect the alternative fuel industry.

“RFS2 is the Renewable Fuel Standard that we’re under right now, and that is the basis for what we know what to produce,” Evans said. “There is a mandate that the EPA puts out for how many gallons should be burned in alternative fuels for each year — but 2014 is fixing to end and we don’t have the 2014 mandate numbers yet.”

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