Kerosene 'fuel' ruins more than 500 car engines

First you lose power, and then the motor starts knocking - you are a victim of new fuel scam 'petrol stretching'

More than 500 cars have had their engines blown in the last few weeks in the latest fuel scam known as "petrol stretching," the Sunday Independent has learned.

Rogue retailers, many taking out leases on a short basis add 6pc to 10pc volume of kerosene to petrol. Kerosene home heating oil costs 80c per litre. Petrol costs €1.55 per litre.

On a standard delivery of legitimate petrol there is €700 in illegal profit to be made if it is thinned with 10pc kerosene. In most cases one or two "fills" of petrol contaminated with kerosene is enough to disable an engine.

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